Yes, I would and do date outside my race but having grown up in the South and being from a minority background I totally understand why some don't. In my small hometown, it wasn't (and seriously still isn't) acceptable. You have to determine for yourself if it's worth it if you live in an area that will point fingers, belittle you, and yes folks physically harm you.
My sophomore year in college, the vast majority of the white girls of our athletic program hated me because one of the baseball players liked me. Some outside the program talked very openly down about the situation and I was warned to be careful. They knew nothing of me but that's how crap goes in many parts of the South. And the ignorance spreads like wild fire.
Children are also a serious consideration in these relationships. I think that you lose some of your strong heritage and of course bloodline as mixing outside elements dilutes the standard. This doesn’t, however, have to be a bad thing. Stews and gumbos (sorry to compare foods here) are so great because of the variety and mixture of ingredients.
Some do very well to actually enhance their different cultures and bridge that cross-culturalism and embrace the new unique perspective of bi-racialism. But many do not and products of these two backgrounds either have to search for their identity or choose one side more or less.
Evolution is great but the people who are creating these relationships need to keep their culture alive and relevant not just within themselves but in their children so that these kids understand and appreciate both sides even as society tries to force a one check box choice on them.
And let's face it, you have to look at that person and race is a major part of looks. So stop it with the race doesn’t matter crap. If you care what your dog looks like and you put a lot of thought into why you chose one breed over the other, you can stop pretending that looks, culture and race don’t matter at all.
I think the all whites are _____ all blacks are ______ all hispanics are ______ is the type of ignorant crap that has to be completely eradicated from our culture. B/c some/many whites aren't ______ some/many blacks aren't ______ some/many hispanics aren't ______.
If that's how someone chooses to date/love or not date/love someone it's shallow and they miss out on what a lot of good people have to offer.
~Nicee *L. Nicole
// posted by L. Nicole @ 9:25 AM | Send me Comments |