I hate very few individuals but I hate most smokers. Why? Because they’re rude. At least that’s the only reason I can come up with. Maybe some smoker out there can come up with something else. So here’s what I don’t understand.
Why would you stand directly outside the doorway where everyone – including nonsmokers – has to enter and exit?
Why do you get the urge to light up right at the moment you sit next to a nonsmoker? This seems especially true when in closed in areas. Is it so hard to ask if someone is bothered by your smoking?
Why can’t you find some type of detergent, cleaners, or Febreze that can mute the smell of 100 ashtrays on your clothes? Do you enjoy choking the people around you?
Do you really think most people walk around with a lighter?
What is an “extra” cigarette? Don’t they come with the same amount every time? How long after finishing the last one in the pack does it dawn on you that you need to actually buy another pack? Can you really supply a habit just by mooching off others?
How can you be okay putting your mouth on someone else’s cigarette/pot? You have no idea where that person’s lips have been. Do you get an instant crackhead mentality of not giving a f*ck?
Why do you need the buddy system to smoke? Do you need reassurance that it’s ok?
Why do you walk around with your cigarette in your hand letting the smoke blow in everyone else’s direction while you barely take a puff?
Why can’t you seem to keep a closer watch on your ashes so that they don’t drop on someone’s nice shoes/clothes or furniture?
Believe me it’s not that I don’t completely think smokers have the right to clog up their lungs and die of cancer. But to impose that fate on others is totally unacceptable.
~Nicee *L. Nicole
// posted by L. Nicole @ 8:47 PM | Send me Comments |